Read further about Website Language and Disclaimers
  1. No Medical Advice: The Epoche Medical LLC website ( contains general information. No medical information on this website shall constitute medical advice and should not be treated as medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice from Epoche Medical LLC, a physician-patient relationship will need to be established. No physician-patient relationship is formed by reading any general medical information given on this site.
  2. No Warranties: In hosting and managing this website, Epoche Medical LLC does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, to any website visitor. There is no guarantee that any medical information on this site will be constantly available or will remain readily available. Additionally, Epoche Medical LLC does not warrant or represent that the medical information on this site will remain accurate, complete, or current. As medical information evolves, Epoche Medical LLC makes no representations that any and all medical information is up-to-date.
  3. Supplement Recommendations: Epoche Medical LLC may at times discuss certain supplements, vitamins, or medications on this site. Prior to taking any supplement, vitamin, or medication, seek the advice of your medical doctor or professional healthcare provider. By discussing certain supplements, vitamins, or medications on this site, Epoche Medical LLC is not prescribing you any substance and is not making any endorsement, promise, or guarantee that any supplement, vitamin, or medication will cure any medical condition or disease.
  4. Seek Medical Assistance: Do not rely on any medical information on our website to diagnose or treat any condition. You must rely on advice only from your medical practitioner or doctor. If you have specific questions regarding a medical condition, matter, or issue, consult your doctor or professional healthcare provider. If you believe you have a medical condition, seek immediate medical attention. Hope you have well understood regarding Website Language and Disclaimers.